Outdoor Dining Enhancement Scheme – Ireland

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Outdoor Dining

The Minister for Tourism Catherine Martin TD has partnered with Fáilte Ireland and together they announce a €17m scheme to provide funding for individual tourism and hospitality businesses. The grant is to enable transformation of dining locations and help to build an outdoor public dining space. The new initiative is also teaming up with local authorities across the country to develop medium to large-scale permanent public dining spaces with weatherproofing for year-round dining.

The scheme will provide for up to 75% of the ex-VAT cost of equipment purchased or installed with a maximum allowable contribution of up to €4,000 per applicant.

Who is eligible?

Funding under the scheme is only available to existing businesses.

-The scheme is open to attractions, hotels, restaurants, cafes, public houses or other tourism and hospitality business establishments where food is sold for consumption on the premises.

-In order to place furniture in public places;

-Applicants must first have applied for and been granted an Annual Street Furniture Licence from Dublin City Council under section 254 of the Planning & Development Act 2000. You can apply for this license here

-Or have applied for and been granted a Temporary Seating Permit under Section 71 of  Roads Act 1993. You can apply for this license here.

-If an application is being made where a business wishes to extend their business outdoors on their own private space, their current planning permission must allow them to do so and if it is not, they will need to apply for planning permission before doing so.  You can check details of any planning permissions by accessing the following link.  OR email your query to [email protected] 

-Submit an up to date Tax Clearance Number.

What Items are considered eligible for the scheme:



-Umbrellas (awnings/canopies attached to buildings require planning permission)

-Electric heaters


-Plant stands

-Wooden Platform

Items purchased after 20th April, 2020 will be eligible up to the value of the grant available.

Payments will be made to approved applicants on submission of receipts for items purchased and an accompanying photograph.  Applicants must also confirm that the placement of the street furniture is in accordance with the terms of the licence to ensure that public walkways are not impeded.

How are the local authorities involved?

Local authorities can apply for funding of €200,000 for the following:

• Development of medium to large-scale permanent public dining spaces

• Upgrade and enhance streets and public spaces

• Weatherproofing for year-round dining. Includes facilitating weather-proofing with parasols, windbreakers and electric heaters.

This will also help when businesses are applying for use of footpath and road space for diners and allow restaurants to operate as takeaways for the current year without having to apply for change of use planning permission.

When does the scheme open?

The scheme is currently open for applications from and applications will close on 30th September 2021. Applicants will apply through their relevant Local Authority.

For more information and to Apply, click here

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