Experience a comprehensive recruitment solution with Bizimply and Occupop, ensuring a smooth transition from hiring to efficient workforce management.

Occupop is a refreshingly simple recruitment software that helps SMB employers engage, manage and hire top talent. No manuals, no code—just recruitment made easy.

Trusted by SMBs across the UK, Ireland and USA, Occupop puts everything you need to successfully recruit, in one place. It’s the calm, organised way to advertise jobs, manage hiring projects, collaborate with your hiring team, and the one central point of truth for all your recruitment activity.

Hire the best people. Build the best teams.

With Occupop you can:

  • Maintain an organized, searchable database of candidates.
  • Tag and track interactions for easy identification of potential candidates for future openings.
  • Create custom application forms with smart questions, employ AI-powered CV scoring, and implement interview scoring for efficient candidate shortlisting.

Bizimply’s integration with Occupop enables customers to easily transfer successful applicant data from Occupop to Bizimply, automating the process of creating new employee profiles.

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