Payroll with Bizimply is designed to be a breeze – deliver payroll-ready exports of your attendance data quickly and efficiently in Bizimply’s clould based system. This information can be immediately input into Quantum’s payroll software, greatly saving time and money.

Bizimply and Quantum combined form a complete people management solution from rota-building to payroll. Quantum Payroll is a software designed specifically for small to medium-sized businesses.
With Bizimply, your payroll data can be structured in a fixed format that can be imported into Quantum format – making the payroll processes painless.

  • Seamless Timecard Export: Effortlessly export timecards from your workforce management software in a compatible format for direct integration with Quantum, streamlining the payroll process.
  • Real-time Accuracy: Ensure accurate and up-to-date payroll calculations, reducing manual data entry errors.

Bizimply offers a user-friendly feature that streamlines the export of employee attendance data in a format compatible with Quantum. This functionality ensures a secure and seamless process for efficiently uploading the information onto Quantum.

Want to find out more about how Bizimply and Quantum work together?

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